Gynekologisk anatomi - Stavros Illiadis, 2019-04-15. - StuDocu
Anatomi - Referensmetodik f r laboratoriediagnostik
– Fundus uteri. – Corpus uteri. • Cavitas uteri. – Isthmus uteri. – Cervix uteri. • Canalis cervicis.
The uterine cervix accounts for a third to half the length of the uterus and measures 2.5-3 cm in length and 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter in the adult. The vaginal portion of the cervix (portio or exocervix) is surrounded by a reflection of the vaginal wall termed the fornix. The uterine arteries reach the margins of the cervix in this fibrous tissue, while on either side the ureter runs downward and forward in it at a distance of about 2 cm. from the cervix. Posteriorly, the supravaginal cervix is covered by peritoneum, which is prolonged below on to the posterior vaginal wall, when it is reflected on to the rectum , forming the recto-uterine pouch . Gene name. Class Anatomy.
Akut Gynekologisk Kirurgi - dr-utbildningsportalen
YouTube. Anatomy … The vaginal portion (portio vaginalis) of the cervix, also referred to as the exocervix, is delimited by the anterior and posterior fornices and has a convex elliptical surface. It is covered by a smooth, shiny squamous mucous membrane and centered by the external os, a circular (in the nulligravida) or slitlike (in the parous woman) opening (Figure 5.1).
Akut Gynekologisk Kirurgi - dr-utbildningsportalen
0 *Prøvetaking – celleprøve fra cervix opplysninger om utseende på portio/livmorhalsen for å sikre korrekt prioritering. Median (min-max) cervical length POP-Q and anatomy consecutively 4 cm (1-12) and 5 cm (3-10). Sensitivity, Specificity dan Accuracy POP-Q consecutively. 21. Juni 2017 Der unterste Abschnitt ragt als Portio wie ein Zapfen in die Vagina hinein; in seiner Mitte sitzt der äußere Muttermund. Die Vorderfläche der porzione sopravaginale (o endocervice o endocollo o portio uterina o porzione intrauterina): si continua superiormente con l'istmo ed il corpo dell'utero attraverso l Uterus. Rektum.
Hereunder there are angles of version and flexion. The cervical position observed during the vaginal s
livmoderhalskanalen (endocervix) og portio (portio vaginalis uteri).
Anna wennergrund
0 *Prøvetaking – celleprøve fra cervix opplysninger om utseende på portio/livmorhalsen for å sikre korrekt prioritering. Median (min-max) cervical length POP-Q and anatomy consecutively 4 cm (1-12) and 5 cm (3-10). Sensitivity, Specificity dan Accuracy POP-Q consecutively. 21.
anatomi 17 De inre könsorganens anatomi 19 Cervix och portio 21 Uterus 21 Äggledarna 22 Äggstockarna 23 Funktionell obstetrisk anatomi
Livmoderhalsen, cervix uteri, collum uteri, (äldre term: livmodertapp) är den nedersta och smalaste Livmodermunnen, portio, sitter längst ut på livmoderhalsen. Den kvinnliga fortplantningens anatomi och fysiologiKönet bestäms redan vid den indelas i livmoderkroppen (corpus uteri) och livmoderhalsen (cervix uteri).
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Patrik Hjalmarsson Läkarprogrammet DFM3 – Anatomi HT14
Gynecology - Cervix 3D Anatomy Tutorialnormal female pelvic anatomy female reproductive system female reproductive anatomy Anatomy and histology of the porcine female reproductive organs As mentioned above, the female reproductive organs in the pig consist of the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, vagina, vestibulum and vulva. Se hela listan på FEMALE PELVIC ANATOMY UTERUS • Composed of smooth muscle, collagen connective tissue, vessels, nerves, lymphatics • Corpus – body (mainly smooth muscle) • Cervix (neck) – mainly collagen • Supported by utero-sacral ligaments, cardinal ligaments • Round ligaments – no supportive value Cervix, uterine. The uterine cervix accounts for a third to half the length of the uterus and measures 2.5-3 cm in length and 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter in the adult. The vaginal portion of the cervix (portio or exocervix) is surrounded by a reflection of the vaginal wall termed the fornix.
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Deklination 3 - Medicinsk Terminologi
2. Structure of the cervix 2.1.
Feedback praktisk tenta, anatomi - Studylib
The endocervical canal is limited below by the external os and upward by the internal os. Gross view of cervix sectional side.
enkelt, mikroskopiskt ingrepp där en konformad bit av portio och cervix tas bort. den nedre cylindriska livmoderhalsen (cervix uteri). Livmoderhalsen tränger in i slidan (vagina) genom livmodermunnen (portio vaginalis). Livmodern står i kontakt A=Corpus Uteri: Livmoderns största del. B=Isthmus Uteri: Centimeterlång förbindelse mellan cervix och corpus uteri. C=Cervix Uteri: Livmoderhalsen D=Portio Olika varianter av livmoderhalscancer (cancer i cervix) och cellprovstagning från vagina (bakre fornix), portio och cervixkanalen. Cellproven Anatomi och patologi framstår i neg UTERUS.